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Clinical Pilates

Do you have chronic back/neck pain and been recommended Pilates but found classes either aggravate your condition or are difficult to fit in with your schedule? The Clinical Pilates method matches specific tailored exercises that suit you and your current condition. This is not a generalised exercise program, you will have a simple set of matched exercises which are easy to complete at home and we will supervise you throughout your recovery. Here at Leeds Osteopathy + Clinical Pilates we use the DMA Clinical Pilates method pioneered by the Australian Physiotherapist Craig Phillips b.app.sc (physio) mphysio (sports) a.p.a.m. It has a strong evidence base and only appropriately qualified healthcare practitioners such as osteopaths, physiotherapists and chiropractors can undertake the training.

Sports Taping

Sometimes you need to keep on going; we find kinesiology taping in conjunction with osteopathic treatment and Clinical Pilates can help patients continue their everyday activities and/or sports with reduced pain without restricting movement as occurs with some traditional sports taping methods.

Our practitioners have completed internationally recognised kinesiology taping training courses with world leading brands such as the original Kinesioâ„¢ Tex tape and sports experts ROCKTAPE.


Osteopaths are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions.

Our treatment approach is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues all functioning smoothly together. Our aim is to restore your body to a state of balance to allow your body to heal.

We use touch, physical manipulation, such as stretching and massage to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, enhancing blood and nerve supply to tissues, helping your body's own healing mechanisms.

We provide postural and lifestyle advice to speed up recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Osteopaths are required to renew their registration each year with the General Osteopathic Council who provide an annual licence to practise. They check that osteopaths have current professional indemnity insurance, remain in good health and of good character, and have met mandatory continuing professional development requirements.